Liberian United Methodists hold signs affirming their loyalty to the denomination and denouncing misinformation spread by dissident forces seeking to continue disaffiliations. (Photo Courtesy of Rev. Caleb Dormah, United Methodist Africa Forum)
They Are Here Again Camouflaged in Sheepskin by Gabriel Banga Mususwa
Meddling with Methodism and Domesticating the Baptists by Curtis Freeman
Conservative Christians Do Not Have Sole Ownership of Religion, Jewish Scholar Says by Jeff Brumley
In the Rubble by Carol Ekdahl-Garwood
Deen Thompson’s Spiritual Journey Comes Full Circle by Mark Lambert
Advent Devotional Lesson 2 - Lewis Center for Church Leadership
Seriously … Interrupt Me! by Brett M. Opalinski
Going on to Perfection in Montello by John Sumwalt
Good News – Despite Initial Appearances by Martha Dalton Ward
Straighten Your Tiara! by Jacqueline K. Thompson
How to Take an Emotional Stand-Part 2 of 2 by Jack Shitama
A Flawed, Human, but Glorious Christmas Eve Service by Martin Thielen
Creation Care Tips: The Wisdom of the Magi by Crys Zinkiewicz